Tian Liu

Date:2023-06-05Source: Hits:

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      Name: Tian Liu

Work Address: Northeast Forestry University, 26 Hexing Road, Xiangfang Distract, Heilongjiang Province, 150040

Email: granthill63@163.com


2011.09-2014.07 Ph.D. in Wood Science and Technology, Northeast Forestry University

2005.09-2009.07 Bachelor of Materials Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Chemical Technology

Professional Experience

2019.01-present Associate Professor,College of Material Science and Engineering, Northeast Forestry University

2014.07-2018.12 Lecturer, College of Material Science and Engineering, Northeast Forestry University

Research Interests

Bio-based Composites

Funded Research

National Natural Science Foundation Application, “Study on controllable preparation and property control of multi-level poplar powder/dynamic polymer composites”, 32171696, RMB580,000, 2021-2024.

National Natural Science Foundation Application, “Study on the core/shell interface properties of coextruded wood-plastic composites using waste resources for core layer structure”, 31500482, RMB220,000, 2015-2017.

Recent Publications

1.Wang Huanbo, Guo Shiyu, Zhang Xuefeng, Liu Yue, Liu Tian*, Yu Haipeng.Insight into the structure-property relationships of intramolecularly-catalyzed epoxy vitrimers. Materials & Design, 221, 2022.

2.Xuefeng Zhang, Huanbo Wang, Zhijun Chen, Shiyu Guo, Yuan Fu, Tian Liu*. Fabrication of ionic wood crosslinked by Ca2+ with high strength, toughness, and weather resistance. Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 21, 5045-5055

3.Huanbo Wang, Xuefeng Zhang, Shiyu Guo, Tian Liu*. A review of coextruded wood-plastic composites. Polymer Composites, 2021, 42(9):4174-4186

4.Huanbo Wang, Fazhi Lin, Pingping Qiu and Tian Liu*. Effects of Extractives on Dimensional Stability, Dynamic Mechanical Properties, Creep, and Stress Relaxation of Rice Straw/High-Density Polyethylene Composite. Polymers, 10, 1176, 2018.

5.Lin Fazhi, Wang Huanbo, Yue Tianqi, Qiu Pingping, Liu Tian*. Inner defects elimination and significant reinforcement of rice straw/highdensity polyethylene composites by extractives removal process. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 138(14):e50137, 2021.

6.Tianqi Yue, Huanbo Wang, Yuan Fu, Shiyu Guo, Xuefeng Zhang, Tian Liu*. Non-isothermal crystallization of titanium dioxide-incorporated rice straw fiber/poly(butylene succinate) biocomposites. Polymers, 2022, 14(7): 1479.

7.Shiyu Guo, Huanbo Wang, Yue Liu, Yuan Fu, Xuefeng Zhang, Bin Qi and Tian Liu*. Preparation and Closed-Loop Recycling of Ultra-High-Filled Wood Flour/Dynamic Polyurethane Composites. Polymers, 2023, 15:1418.

8.Tian Liu, Yong Lei, Qingwen Wang*, Sunyoung Lee, Qinglin Wu*. Effect of Fiber Type and Coupling Treatment on Properties of High-Density Polyethylene /Natural Fiber Composites. Bioresources, 8(3): 4619-4632, 2013.

9.Tian Liu, Qingwen Wang*, Yanjun Xie, Sunyoung Lee, Qinglin Wu*. Effect of Use of Coupling Agents on the Properties of Microfibrillar Compoiste Based on High-Density Polyethylene and Polyamide-6. Polymer Bulletin, 71(3): 685-703, 2014.

10.Tian Liu, Qingwen Wang*, Yanjun Xie, Qiliang Fu. Incorporation Effect of Enzymatic Hydrolysis Lignin on the Mechanical and Rheological Properties of the Resulting Wood Flour/ High Density Polyethylene Composites. Polymer Composites, 37(2): 379-384, 2016.

11.Zhanhua Huang, Qinglin Wu*, Shouxin Liu, Tian Liu, Bin Zhang. A Novel Biodegradable β-cyclodextrin-based Hydrogel for the Removal of Heavy Metal Ions. Carbohydrate Polymers, 97:2, 496-501, 2013.

12.Haiyang Zhou, Xiaolong Hao, Haigang Wang, Xiaoyu Wang, Tian Liu, Yanjun Xie* and Qingwen Wang. The Reinforcement Efficacy of Nano- and Microscale Silica for Extruded Wood Flour/HDPE Composites: The Effects of Dispersion Patterns and Interfacial Modification. Journal of Materials Science, 53:1899-1910, 2018.

13.Tian Liu, Qing-wen Wang*. Bio-ethanol Lignin Waste /HDPE Composites: Preparation and Mechanical Properties. Advanced Materials Research, 113-114: 606-609, 2010.

14.Tian Liu, Qing-wen Wang*Hui ZhaoPhysical Properties of Waste Lignin /HDPE Composites. Advanced Materials Research, 221: 60-65, 2011.

Awards and Scholarships

1. 7th Award of Science & Technology by Heilongjiang Province (2018)

2. 1st Young Teachers Teaching Skills Competition in Heilongjiang Province (2014)

3. 1st First prize in Teaching Quality of Northeast Forestry University (2022)

4. 15th National Education Teaching Achievement Award (2022)

5. 9th Heilongjiang Province Education Teaching Achievement Special Prize (2022)

6. 7th Heilongjiang Province Education Teaching Achievement First Prize (2020)